History of University

In the center of Almaty, at the intersection of Tole bi and Akhmet Baitursynov streets, a 13-storey building of the main building of the Almaty Technological University stands, within the walls of which more than 50,000 people have received higher education for fifty-seven years of its history. Graduates of ATU now work in all corners of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, gratefully remembering their “alma mater”.

And it all started like this…


May 10. By the orders of the Ministry of Food Industry of the USSR and the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR No. 155/548, the Alma-Ata branch of the Institute for the Improvement of Managers and Engineers was transferred to the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR and reorganized into the Alma-Ata branch of the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Food Industry. Ivanova E.F. 1966 was appointed Director of this Branch


June 4. By Order of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 1501, the Alma-Ata branch of the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Food Industry was transferred to the Government of the Kazakh SSR for inclusion in the Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry.


August 11. By Order of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR No. 1365-r, the Alma-Ata branch of the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Food Industry was renamed into the Alma-Ata branch of the Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry (AF DTILPP).


December 16. Pouring the first concrete under the foundation of the building of the Almaty Technological University.


May 7. By the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 573, the Alma-Ata branch of the Zhambyl Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry was reorganized into the Almaty Technological Institute (ATI).


August 18. By the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 1192, the Almaty Institute of Technology was reorganized into a non–profit organization – Closed Joint Stock Company “Almaty Technological University” (CJSC “ATU”).


December 15th. On the basis of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Joint-Stock Companies” No. 415-P dated May 12, 2003, by the decision of the General Meeting of Shareholders (Minutes No. 14), the closed joint-stock company “Almaty Technological University” was re-registered into the Joint-Stock Company “Almaty Technological University”.

ATU is one of the leading higher educational institutions in Kazakhstan and Central Asia, which has been training specialists and scientific personnel for more than 60 years for the food, processing, textile and light industries, the service and hospitality industries. ATU has been present on the educational services market since 1957 and in recent years has been systematically implementing the principles of the Bologna Declaration, actively integrating into the global educational space and becoming more and more recognizable in the world. Since 2005, ATU has been operating a Quality Management System (QMS) certified for compliance with the requirements of international standards ISO 9001 — 2008. The effectiveness of the ATU QMS has been confirmed by independent audits conducted by the Certification Association — the Russian Register — a member of the international certification network IQNet.

1958-1969 : Director of the Alma-Ata branch of the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Food Industry, the first director of the Alma-Ata branch of the Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Baymendin Khazhetden.

1969-1973 : Director of the Alma-Ata branch of the Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Dzhumagulova Laura Imamgazievna.

1973-1986 : Director of the Alma-Ata branch of the Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Eskairov Mahu Eskairovich.

1986-1993 :  Director of the Alma-Ata branch of the Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry, Candidate of Technical Sciences Sagyndykov Kenes Kurmanbekovich.

1993-1994 :  Director of the Alma-Ata branch of the Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry, Doctor of Economics, Professor, academician of the NAS RK Mamyrov Nurgali Kulshymanovich.

in 1994 :  the last director of the Branch became Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Kulazhanov Kuralbek Sadibayevich, who later headed the Institute formed on the basis of the Branch.

These years have become the history of the formation of one of the leading universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan — Almaty Technological University. But, as you know, any educational institution functions fruitfully, first of all, thanks to the people who have worked and are working in it. In this regard, the work of many who worked at the university, including the heads of the Almaty Technological University at all stages of its formation and development, is invaluable. Today we remember with gratitude the names of the directors of the AF DTILPP, who worked at one time for the benefit and prosperity of the university.

Since 1987, the Alma-Ata branch of the Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry, having merged with the General Technical Faculty of the DTILPP in the city of Alma-Ata, began to train specialists in the light and textile industry for the Yuri Gagarin garment factory, the Karaganda Hosiery Factory, the Alma-Ata Carpet Factory, the Alma-Ata Cotton Mill.

ATU is a collective member of the International Association of Universities; the International Student Exchange Association; the Club of Rectors of European Universities; the International Bibliographic Society; the Union of Eurasian Universities; the Internet Consortium.

In the 2000s, the university will purposefully strengthen its material and technical base, put into operation three educational buildings, five dormitories with 2245 seats, indoor and outdoor sports complexes, a large assembly hall and a catering plant. The total volume of all buildings today is 70 thousand square meters. The book and information resources have been significantly increased, modern laboratories for training and scientific research have been opened, access to global information networks has been provided, the Tamos University Suite automatic learning management system has been introduced, three scientific research institutes: Research Institute of Food Technologies; Research Institute for Light Industry Problems and Research Institute for Quality and Safety of Food Products with an accredited laboratory; Bread, Milk and Meat Centers; Scientific laboratory for master's and doctoral students; The Technological and Economic College (TEK), which trains middle-level specialists in accordance with the nature of ATU's work, will start working. In 2010, the university won the competition of the National Innovation Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the opening of the Office of Commercialization of Scientific and Technological Research at the higher educational institution. The mission of the office was to organize the effective management of the commercialization process according to the regional location of the university.

In the middle of the 2000s, at the initiative of rector Kuralbek Kulajanov, the Board of Trustees was established at the university. Today, the leaders of 25 leading enterprises of the country are members of the Board of Trustees of ATU. This Council created a solid foundation for expanding and strengthening the relationship between business and higher education. Today, many enterprises, large manufacturing companies, scientific centers have branches of the departments of ATU that train specialists.

Almaty Technological University (ATU) is one of the leading higher educational institutions in Kazakhstan, which has been training specialists and researchers for 60 years in the fields of food, processing, textile and light industry, as well as business and hospitality industry. ATU is a leader in the Central Asian region in terms of training of the above-mentioned specialists. The university signed the Magna Charta Universitatum (Great Charter of Universities) in 2010, systematically implementing the principles of the Declaration of Bologna. By the decision of the Association of European Universities dated April 3, 2014, Almaty University of Technology was registered as an associate member of the European Association of Universities (EAU).

ATU has a clearly defined Policy and Strategy in the field of achieving quality in its main activity, training and retraining of specialists for the industrial and innovative development of Kazakhstan, as well as forming modern innovative and entrepreneurial infrastructure typical of research universities. Some of ATU's recent achievements are:

  • International certificates of ISO 9001 Quality Management System (20015) of Moody International Certification international audit of the World Quality Control Inspectorate of Great Britain, international audit agencies "Russian Register" and "IQNet" were received.
  • In 2012-2013, ATU passed the regular state certification, as well as international institutional accreditation at the Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance of Education (IBSKTKA), specialized accreditation of educational programs (ARTA) at the International Accreditation Agency ASIIN (Germany) and the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating. All 48 educational programs of the university of different educational levels were accredited.
  • In the General rating of the National Accreditation Center, ATU is included in the top ten of the best technical higher educational institutions of the republic, and in the rating of educational programs in the fields of food and processing, light and textile industries, it is constantly in the first place.
  • Scientific and pedagogical team of ATU consists of more than 700 scientists and teachers, including: 19 full members of international and national academies of science, 62 doctors of science, 167 candidates of science and 27 doctors of philosophy (PhD). About 60% of Kazakh doctors of science and 40% of candidates of science in the field of food and light industry work at ATU, more than 9,000 students are studying in 22 bachelor's, 19 master's, 11 PhD-doctorate and 17 educational programs of the College of Technology and Economics. . 22 doctors of science and candidates received state scholarships awarded to outstanding scientists and young talents. 42 teachers received the State grant of the best teacher of the higher educational institution.

The main asset of ATU is more than 50,000 trained highly educated specialists and scientific and pedagogical personnel for various branches of the national economy.

ATU graduates are currently working in many far and near foreign countries, holding high positions in state structures, industrial enterprises and organizations of specific sectors of the country's economy. The most important thing is that thousands of our graduates are managing technological processes in the relevant industries of the domestic industry.

The university actively participates in TEMPUS, ERASMUS, FP-7 programs of the European Union. Within the framework of the TEMPUS international program, the GADET Clothing Design Training Center was established at ATU with partners from the Universities of Urbina and Ancona (Italy), and the University of Copenhagen (Denmark).

Under the TEMPUS program, Master's curriculum development in food safety, Van Hall Lahrenstein University of Vocational Education (Netherlands) and Greenwich University (UK) jointly developed a standard for a master's program in food safety. The Research and Innovative Development Center (REDIC) was opened at the university in collaboration with partners from the EU countries (Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, Lithuania, Spain, Germany) under the TEMPUS program to create public-benefit universities.

The effectiveness of the activities of university scientists, as well as the recognition of scientific and educational potential of ATU and its leadership positions can be witnessed by the following facts:

  • Approval of ATU as the National Coordinator of the F7 program of the European Union in the thematic direction of Food Products and Biotechnology (BIO-NCP) by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Establishment of the Technical Committee on Standardization No. 67 entitled "Technologies and new generation food products" at ATU by the order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Establishment of the Research and Innovative Development Center (REDIC) under the TEMPUS-1-2008 European Union project;
  • Winning more than twenty gold and 2 silver medals at exhibitions of the International Forum of the Meat and Dairy Industry in Moscow (between 2008 and 2016);
  • Winning gold medals every year at the Zolotaya Osen Russian Agricultural Scientific Achievements Exhibition in Moscow (from 2009 to the present);
  • Karaotkel Fair (Astana, 2011) Winning a gold medal at the Fair of Agricultural Complex Achievements of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • ATU, as an active participant in the process of internationalization of scientific and educational programs, allows students to undergo foreign summer internships and studies under the Double Diploma Program project, and professors-teachers to undergo foreign scientific internships to improve their qualifications. Under the double degree program, ATU students and postgraduates study at the Technical University of Applied Sciences in Wildau (Germany), the Academy of Catering and Hotel Business in Poznań (Poland), the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), R.D.T. (Switzerland) International Institute, Prague (Czech Republic) University of Chemistry and Technology, Plovdiv (Bulgaria) University of Food Technologies. Under the INTER-CULTURE-TRAINING program, ATU students have the opportunity to undergo professional experience during the summer period at the partner universities of Spain, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, South Korea and other countries.

The level of work of the university often depends on the results of the activities of its main structural units, faculties and departments. For example, one of the structural divisions of the profile is the Faculty of Light Industry and Design with KITECH (South Korea) Institute of Industrial Technologies, Manchester Metropolitan University (Great Britain), Moscow University of Design and Technology and its Novosibirsk Institute of Technology, Tashkent Textile and Light Industry Institute, Gabrovo (Bulgaria) technical has been strengthening international scientific and creative ties with the university. The teachers of the faculty annually undergo foreign internships at partner institutes of South Korea, Italy, Great Britain, Bulgaria, Russia and other CIS countries.

Faculty employees actively participate in international competitions and exhibitions. In the portfolio of the faculty, two gold medals received in the nominations of Fine Art and Web Design at the IX NATIONAL YOUTH DELPHI GAMES Republican competition; Siberian Couturier (Russia, Novosibirsk) received two diplomas in the nominations "Ethnos" and "Svetsky raut", the Grand Prize in the nominations "Silver Button" and "Sapphirovaya Button"; Gold medal at the Food market-2014 International Exhibition; There is a Certificate of Appreciation for participation in the Central Asia Fashion-2013 International Exhibition. All educational programs of the faculty successfully passed the accreditation audit of the ASIIN (Germany) International Accreditation Agency and the Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education in the last academic year.

The educational program of technology and construction of light industrial products was awarded the Eurobaccalaureate honor in the field of engineering. The program of design of textile materials takes the first place in the National rating of educational programs of higher educational institutions.

Kazakhstan-Korea scientific and educational technology center, as well as the Art Council, were established at the faculty. Professors Zhylysbaeva R.O. (ATU) and Hwang, (Uniplatec, South Korea) under the scientific leadership of a joint research project on the development of heat-retaining textile materials.

Faculty graduates: Aigul Kassymova (Aigul Kassymova Studio), Aida Kaumenova (Aida KaumeNOWA Fashion House), Saltanat Baimukhamedova (Salta Fashion House), Zuhra Abitova (Wardrobe Atelier), Alena Rivlina (San Bell Fashion Agency), Irina Panyushkina (Look Fashion Agency ) has taken its rightful place in the flourishing Kazakhstani fashion business thanks to its design talents and acquired special skills.

Our university, as the initiator of the training of specialists in the field of hotel and restaurant business, is actively working on establishing cooperation with leading foreign schools of tourism and hospitality in order to train domestic specialists based on the best models of world practice. ATU and the Swiss HTMI (Hotel and Tourism Management Institute) signed a memorandum on joint training of specialists in 2014. Thus, the students of the faculty participating in the joint education program will receive a prestigious European education while studying mainly in Kazakhstan.

HTMI (Hotel, Tourism and Events Management) Diploma on awarding a bachelor's degree in tourism, hotel business management and event organization;
A unique opportunity to become a holder of ATU Diploma on awarding a bachelor's degree in the specialties of tourism and restaurant business and hotel business is given.
The first admission of students to this international educational program was implemented in 2014. Two faculties are directly involved in the implementation of the program: the Faculty of Food Production and the Faculty of Economics and Business with specializations in Restaurant and Hotel Business and Tourism.

The Faculty of Food Production has experience in training specialists under the Double Diploma Education Program in cooperation with the Polish Academy of Catering and Hotel Business, as well as with the Technical University of Applied Sciences in Germany. Within the framework of the academic mobility program, students of the faculty are also studying at the universities of Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Spain, and France. Every year, the faculty organizes international internships for students in well-known technical higher educational institutions of Europe, such as the University of Food Technologies (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Santiago de Compostela University (Spain), Prague University of Chemistry and Technology, and Mendel University (Brno, Czech Republic). .

It is known that the internationalization of education involves a set of measures aimed at creating conditions for teaching basic subjects in foreign languages. Therefore, for students studying in the fields of Food Technology and Biotechnology, basic and specialized subjects such as Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry of Food Products, General Technology of the Industry, Biotechnology of Milk and Milk Products, BAM Biotechnology, Study of the Properties of Raw Materials and Food Products are organized in English. .

All educational programs of the Faculty of Food Production have undergone specialized accreditation by the International Accreditation Agency ASIIN (Germany) and the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (ARTA).

In May 2014, ASIIN decided to award two educational programs of the Faculty, Food Technology and Technology of Processing Industries, in the field of engineering with the Eurobaccalaureate Honorary Badge.

Background: The European Accredited Engineer (EUR-ACE) project has been implemented in Europe since September 2004 under the auspices of the European Union within the framework of the Bologna process and aims to establish a common European system of engineering education quality.

Another participant of the joint program with HTMI, the Faculty of Economics and Business has established close relations with state institutions, sectoral public-professional associations and organizations, industrial enterprises of Almaty city and neighboring regions. For example, with the Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Kazakhstan, Tourist Agencies (Amari Tour, Assyl Travel, etc.), second-tier large Banks, JSC Centras Insurance, Association of Accountants and Auditors, Exchange University, Development Fund, as well as Adal , Alem-kense, Almaty-nan, Ararat, Aksai-nan and others. cooperative relations with food enterprises have been established. Leading specialists of organizations and partner enterprises are students of the faculty 

He gives lectures, conducts master classes, practical seminars and trainings, participates in job fairs held at ATU. Students of the faculty usually have professional experience in these enterprises and organizations.

It is known that the employment of graduates of higher educational institutions in the market economy is an urgent issue for both graduates and higher educational institutions. Each higher educational institution is a subject of two markets: the educational market and the industrial labor market, whose work is closely related to each other. Cooperation between these markets is continuous throughout the academic year at ATU. The data of the monitoring of the employment of graduates in 2015-2016 are as follows: employment by the university as a whole is 87.1%, the faculties of food production, light industry and design have 92.7% of graduates, the faculty of economics and business has 78.2%, engineering and the faculty of information technologies employed 87.2% of them. Most of those who did not get a job in the summer period of the aforementioned faculties passed the entrance exams for the master's degree of ATU and other higher educational institutions. High rates of employment of ATU graduates remain stable every year.

The issuing departments of all faculties of ATU are in close contact with the leading enterprises and organizations of the republic by conducting surveys of employers and receiving from them their opinions about their graduates. In addition, it should be noted that our employers are involved in the compilation of the catalog of elective subjects for educational programs. This increases the demand for specialists from employers. A certain part of the students undergo industrial experience in enterprises (organizations) and then get a job there. Specialists (technologists, assemblers, researchers, system organizers, programmers) trained at ATU make up the main part of the engineering and technical staff of the enterprises of specialized branches of industry.

Graduates of the bachelor's programs are mainly involved in the research, development and development of modern techniques and new production-technological processes in manufacturing enterprises of the food and processing, light and textile industries, as well as in machine-building enterprises. prepared to work in organizations.

Thus, the entire activity of Almaty Technological University is based on the concept of formation of a complex of continuous professional education that corresponds to its leadership position. In the absence of such a strong position of the educational institution, it would not be possible to train highly qualified specialists who are competitive in the labor market. And the university team understands this well.

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